Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Science Projects

Here are 3 easy science experiments you can do right at home and get an easy A on. Let's start the process of you getting that 100.

1.Oily Situation
 I got  100 on this science project in the 3rd grade but got 1st place in the whole school. This project isn't as advanced as you may think. Lets go through the steps.

I want to find out why substances have a hard time mixing with oil. Which ones mix the best.

 Oil,Bleach,Milk,Orange juice,plastic cups, spoon, and a microscope (optional)

Hypothesis - Say what you think will happen. What I said= The oil will be to thick of a solute for other solutes too mix with, therefore this will prove once and for all that not only do oil and water not mix, oil and nothing can mix well.


1. Wash Hands (This always makes the teacher think your following the rules)

2. Place cups on Paper towels.

3. Pour 1/3 cup of oil into each cup

4. Pour 1/3 cup of milk into one cup.

5.Pour 1/3 cup of bleach into 1 cup.

6.Pour 1/3 cup of Orange juice 1 cup.

7. Wait 1 full day.

8. Record your observations (draw a picture, note anything weird).

9. Wait another full day

10. Record Final results. This should answer your Hypothesis like, the oil mixed well with the bleach but not with the Milk. The Milk spoiled slower in the oil than it would in the fridge. The oil rose to the top of the cups ETC.

11. Conclusion
     Write everything that happened from start to finish. Say why your' hypothesis was right or wrong. State things you were surprised to find. Say what you'd do next time.

Final Thoughts

Use scientific language on your board not just basic words, it will improve your grade and make you look smarter.

Make your board look cool. You don't have to spend $100 on your board but don't make it look like you threw something together at 5:00 in the morning.

If your presenting already know your board. Don't go unprepared. Present the board in advance to family members. If you have trouble memorizing take notecards to the presentation.

Sound excited. Don't allow the crowd to get bored, their your lifeline.

Dress for success. People will give you much more attention if they realize your serious.

Allow the class to get a closer look at your experiment.

Good Luck

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